

How to set up a small-scale factory processing fruits and vegetables

From FAO advice, there are 6 things you must know:

When considering the setting up of a fruit and vegetable processing plant, whether it be a cottage industry or a small industrial scale system, the first point to bear in mind is the infrastructure required to properly lodge all of the necessary equipment.
Some time must thus be devoted to coordinate two aspects that are vital to the development of a project of this nature, namely costs and the quality of the infrastructure needed to achieve the established goals.
It must always be borne in mind that since the food to be processed is intended for human consumption, the infrastructure must meet several requirements. The basic general aspects of such requirements will be analyzed in this chapter.
The infrastructure comprises different aspects of a project's implementation. Issues like physical layout, basic services or installations and equipment must thus be taken into account.

Physical layout

The physical layout of a plan of this nature may be very simple, as it refers to a basic production system, involving small volumes and simple products, from a technological point of view.
Nevertheless, in the case of a cottage industry and a small industrial scale system alike, simplicity must never neglect the basic principles governing industrial health and hygiene, which must characterize a food production system.

Production sites

Several different processes take place on the site where the production activity is performed, from the reception and conservation of raw materials, to the storage of finished products.
One aspect that must be borne in mind relates to construction details, which determine a plant's capacity to meet two objectives: to adjust to the production of foods and to ensure a sufficiently long shelf life. However, when considering home or small-scale industrial processing facilities, the cost of construction is an important factor which must be taken into account.
The building materials must be as light as possible, easy to readapt and install, considering that often the system users develop the plan themselves, by means of self-construction methods.

Basic installations or services

Three basic services are required for the operation of a system as the one in question: electrical power, drinking water and the disposal of waste waters.
Occasionally, small-scale industrial plants are equipped with a steam production system, which however is more seldom found in home-processing plants.
Even when a home-processing plant can operate without electrical power, it is better for this service to be available, essentially to facilitate the processes by means of small devices that were developed and that improve workers' performance, thus guaranteeing a greater uniformity of products.

Basic facilities

A fruit and vegetable processing plant must be set up in such a way as to rely on a number of basic facilities, which are generally similar in home-processing and small-scale industrial systems. Figure 1 shows a small-scale industrial production system for the processing of fruits and vegetables.


Figures 2-4 and pictures 1-20 illustrate different implements and machines comprising the basic equipment required for the home processing of fruit and vegetables. Figure 2 shows a steam-powered heating system, figure 3 shows a press for the extraction of juice, and figure 4 shows a pulp removing machine.
The most common processes that apply to fruit are drying, preservation, pulp concentration, the manufacturing of juice, nectars and sweets, and concentrated pulp processing.

Equipment for a small-scale industrial plant

When analyzing the equipment required by a small-scale industrial plant, it may be observed that there are no great differences in terms of basic principles.
The difference essentially lies in the size and application of electrical and mechanized equipment of a greater unit capacity, probably characterized by a greater resistance and durability, but based on the same technological principles.
In the specific case of a semi-industrial plant, the pots will be replaced by steam kettles, heating will be provided by a steam-boiler, and a small press as well as an autoclave will be available. A list of additional equipment that must be installed in a small-scale industrial plant is provided below.
    - A small boiler producing 250 kilos of steam per hour.
    - A vertical autoclave with a capacity for about 200-500 g jars.
    - A pulper, which operates manually or electrically.
    - A fruit peeling machine
    - A fruit slicer
    - A hand-operated hydraulic press.
    - A pressure bottles closer.
    - Two double-wall kettles.

